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Robust Physics-Based Robotic Manipulation by Interleaving Open and Closed-Loop Execution
Parareal with a Learned Coarse Model for Robotic Manipulation (University of Leeds)
A Robust Interaction Control Approach for Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems
A Robust Predictive Control Approach for Underwater Robotic Vehicles
"The World Is Its Own Best Model": Robust Real-World Manipulation Through Online Behavior Selection
On the robustness of force estimation methods for robot manipulators: An experimental study
Robust optimal nonlinear control strategies for an aerial manipulator
[IEEE-RAL-2022] Robust Localization of Occluded Targets in Aerial Manipulation
SHERPA - Robust Control of an UAV
Safe and Fast Tracking on a Robot Manipulator: Robust MPC and Neural Network Control
Planning with a Receding Horizon for Manipulation in Clutter using a Learned Value Function
Control experiments for a dual arm aerial robotic manipulator